June 29, 2009

More updates

I have fully recovered from fever and is getting ready for my trial class at Gymbroee.
But before that, mummy let me try the HT Apple and Cinamon biscuit, I kinda like the taste and texture but its abit too big for my small mouth...Mummy kept laughing at this photo... *blushed*.

Mummy, can I have more biscuits please?

I like the playgym at Gymbroee the best! Get to climb onto the slides, crawl in tunnerals, running after balls etc. Phew, was indeed tiring for me.

Me sitting on the wooden rocking horse and rocking by myself, aren't I clever? Guess who is my guardian angel beside me? ;p..hehe

Bingo! Its my handsome Daddy of course =).

Me busy climbing on the slide and reaching for mummy's hp =).

Overall the class was ok as its more of a physical affair as I get to move around, play all sorts of obstacle. Mummy was glad that I have enjoyed myself. After the class, I was so hungry after exerting so much stamina =). Yummy porridge, here I come!!.
On the next day, it was my weekly class at Kindermusik. We had the cock-a-dool theme this term. All about animals. Teacher was busy teaching us some new animal songs, and of cos, pupperts show and some story telling =).
My poor mummy is having muscle aching and stiff neck today. Wonder if its due to carrying me so much last weekends... Its not easy to carry a 10.2kg toddler for hours. *muacks* for my mummy!