Mummy has been very naughty recently. She put me in the playpen, while I was screaming for help, want to get out of the playpen, then she said " if you want mama to carry you, u call mama first". I hesistate for awhile, due to my helpless little body, i called "mama" twice. Mummy was grinning big big =). Then the next day, she put me in my highchair, again want me to call her before she will carry me out of my chair. Naughty mama..
My folks agreed that we are having more and more things in the house and needs to do some proper housekeeping. We reckon that we need more storage spaces so they decided to get more cabinets. It was my first time to Ikea and I was very excited over it. It was a 30mins drive to Ikea from our house. We went there for lunch, as usual, my folks get to eat nice food and me, taking only porridge. But mummy still give me some grilled chicken, whipped potato to try. I got to drink the green tea as well. *slurps*.
Here are some pictures..
Do I look smart? ;p
See I am so happy....
By the time after afew rounds, I become sleepy. Mummy has to give me my tutu to pacifiy me.
My Daddy and me...
My Mummy and me..
End of the day, we bought 1 bookshelf and some storage cases. We spent almost 4hours there.