For the past 1 week, my appetite has dropped.
1) For breakfast, usually 1 bowl of HT cereals
(12 scopes + 2 scope FM+ fruits)
--> Now less than half a bowl + some pigeon and gerber biscuits.
2) Lunch, usually 1 bowl+ of porridge
--> now half a bowl
3) Teabreak, usually yogurt and fruit or cheese with bread
--> Still the same
4) Milk time at 5 or 6pm, usually 240ml BR + FM
--> now can only finish 180ml or 200ml
5) Last feed before I go to bed, usually 240ml BR + FM
--> now only 200ml
Ah ma is kind and patience enough to feed me twice with the interval of 1hr to ensure that i have enough food in my little stomach. Mummy is getting worried that I might "shrink" if this goes on...Mummy was telling daddy that she can see a whitish thing on my upper gum, so it should be another new pearlie coming out... Poor me, another painful period =( ..